I just finished reading The MANIAC by Benjamin Labatut. MANIAC stands for "Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator, and Computer," an early computer designed by John von Neumann. The author weaves a fascinating story around the life and achievements of John von Neumann.
To me, the writing style in the first part of the book, which focuses on von Neumann, was reminiscent of Khalil Gibran's Jesus, The Son of Man. Gibran narrated the life of Jesus through the personal perspectives of people who knew him, characters from the Gospels in the New Testament. Similarly, Labatut tells the story of von Neumann through the narrations of those who were part of his story.
Von Neumann's achievements are phenomenal, including his contributions to mathematics, game theory, the architecture of the modern computer (which still bears his name), and his deep obsession with computing machines and the human brain. For me, the most powerful narrative in the book was those attributed to the physicist Richard Feynman.
Although the writing is beautiful, there are definitely instances where fact and fiction become indistinguishable—likely by design, as the author classifies the book as "fiction." For a more accurate account of the life, times, and scientific achievements of von Neumann, I recommend reading The Man from the Future by Ananyo Bhattacharya or The Turing Cathedral by George Dyson.
The second part of the book focuses on two giants: Demis Hassabis, the brain behind DeepMind and AlphaGo, and the Go world champion Lee Sedol, who was defeated by AlphaGo. Labatut does an excellent job capturing the emotion of the moment when Lee Sedol faces AlphaGo and the significance of the one game Sedol managed to win against the machine. I re-read the first chapter of the book after this, as I wanted to experience the full connection between the anxiety that builds up in physicist Paul Ehrenfest's mind in the first chapter and victory of AlphaGo and its' successors in the final chapter of the book.
Overall, the book is definitely worth a read for both its storytelling and its powerful writing style. I highly recommend it.
Links to books mentioned here -
The MANIAC by Benjamin Lebatut https://www.amazon.com/MANIAC-Benjamin-Labatut/dp/0593654471
Jesus, the Son of Man by Khalil Gibrian https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Kahlil-Gibran-Pocket-Library/dp/0679439226
The Man from the Future by Ananyo Bhattacharya https://www.amazon.com/Man-Future-Visionary-Ideas-Neumann/dp/1324050500/
The Turing Cathedral by George Dyson https://www.amazon.com/Turings-Cathedral-Origins-Digital-Universe/dp/1400075998/
A documentary on the making of AlphaGo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y&t=3s